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How do I book?

Simply call, text us or book online through the "book a dumpster" page on this website! 

How long can I keep a dumpster?

You can keep a dumpster as long as you need it! We charge $300

 per week per dumpster.

Can i put appliances in the dumpster?

You can put appliances like refrigerators or AC units in the dumpster as long as they have the freon removed.

Where can I book a dumpster?

You can book a dumpster within a 30 mile radius of Skiatook, OK. Any further bookings require a $3.00 per mile distance fee.

What can't I put in a dumpster?

You can't put hazardous materials in a dumpster. That includes batteries, tires, asbestos, paint, human waste, etc. If you're not sure, give us a call or text.

Do you have any dumpsters available now?

You'll have to call us for our availability. We currently have 6 dumpsters with more coming soon.

What are your hours?

Our hours are 6AM-7PM but you can call or text us anytime. We can have a dumpster at your site or home by 6AM and pick-up until 7PM.

What is pickup protocol?

Protocol for pickup is easy! Simply give us a call when you're done with the dumpster and we'll come pick it up and haul everything off for you. 

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